GoalsThe Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club seeks to communicate to our members and the public at-large through this media of the present, and we continue to perpetuate and rely on the knowledge of our kupuna, as we empower and shape the future generation for our Hawai’i.
We are a club that strives to fulfill all that the Hawaiiian Civic Club movement stands for as envisioned by our founder, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana`ole . |
Club FactsClub Motto (Hawaiian): E Paepae I Luna Loa I Ka Malamalama
Club Motto (English): Hold High The Light Of Knowledge Club Oli: He Mele no Keawalau o Pu'uloa Date Organized: December 3, 1963 Date Chartered by AHCC: April 16, 1964 Club Pua: Pua Aloalo (Red Hibiscus) Club Colors: Ulaula a me ke`oke`o (Red and White) Club Mele: Uluwehi O Ka`ala Contact Us |